For WMTV's Ramble On May issue, I designed and lead the whole publication, while also writing a piece about leaving the education system. The story in original format can be found here.
As a recent graduate of William & Mary, I have gone through roughly 19 years of education, and I think we’re at the point where I can officially say that school is nothing like it is portrayed in the media.
I have spent my entire schooling on edge, waiting for a Disney Channel-esque food fight to break out in the cafeteria or a student to belt an emotional Glee-inspired solo in the hallways. But alas, nothing. (The closest I ever got was running a tap dance rehearsal on the stage of my high school auditorium and a girl running in, saying “I heard there was a tap dancer in here. I’m an Irish dancer - what’s up?” And she challenged me to a dance battle. To this day, I’m like 58% sure I imagined this because I never saw this girl ever again (after I demolished her, of course))
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