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American University

Master's Degree
Creative Writing
4.0 GPA

William & Mary
Bachelor's Degree
American Studies and Creative Writing
Phi Beta Kappa
3.88 GPA

New York University
Writers in New York:
Fiction Program
4.0 GPA


Intro to Creative Writing
Intermediate Creative Writing
Advanced Screenwriting
Advanced Workshop: Long Form Fiction
Advanced Creative Writing Nonfiction
Writing for Low Budget Series/Film
Story & Ceremony
Writers in NY: Fiction
British Literature I
Female American Writers and Regionalism
Modern Fiction
American Renaissance
Book History & Print Culture
Intro to Theatre
Beginning Acting
Acting 2
Ballroom 1 & 2
Drawing & Color
American History to 1877
American History Since 1877
Medicine in America
Colonial Archaeology
Williamsburg Documentary Project
American Studies Junior Seminar
American Noir
1960's: Culture, Society & Thought
Colonial & Revolutionary Williamsburg
Intro to Hinduism
Geology 101
Intro to Natural Psychology
Intro to Social Psychology
Research in Psychology
Honors Thesis


Zillennial Support Group


Co-hosts a weekly podcast on topics from the late '90s to early 2000s over Zoom and utilizes external microphones, while making thumbnails on Adobe Photoshop.


Everything But...


Created a successful arts & culture zine that has grown from four contributors to ten through marketing techniques, serves as the Editor-in-Chief, hosts the service on Wix, manages social media on Instagram and Twitter, and designs the magazine on Adobe InDesign


The Catch-Up


Co-created a late-night comedy show that riffs off of current events, staffed the writer's room with a script supervisor, pitches jokes regularly, while also regularly making graphics on Adobe Photoshop, and editing on Adobe Premiere


Writing Groups


Works as an active member in several writing groups for memoir and novel writing by conducting meetings and leading members in pre-planned class activities. I provide critique in structured and organized workshops.


The C Word


Created a new 'late night' news satire series in which we publish weekly videos about the latest news. For this series, I run a writer's room where I pitch and accept jokes. I also do a lot of research, using various news platforms. Typically, I serve as the editor, editing with Adobe products. With the coronavirus, we have had to adapt to production being remote.


Wren Building Virtual Tour


Utilizing personal photos and photos from my boss, I started a virtual tour of the Sir Christopher Wren Building, so that people can explore the museum amid quarantine.


Tell Me What You Really Think


Working on a novel about a struggling New York writer for my English Honors thesis


American Girl


Working on original research about the historical bias in the historic American Girls collection, especially in the new BeForever campaign


The Unofficial Board of Visitors


Created a show featuring a comedic tourism feud between Colonial Williamsburg and Mount Vernon. Currently working on writing, producing, casting, editing, location searching, filming, and directing the second season




Wrote, directed, acted in, and edited a short film, titled "Crossroads."


Fractured Artwork


Sells personal artwork on Redbubble that generates a good amount of profit




Wrote a play that was performed by Oakton High School in their Spring One Act Festival, as well as in the district and regional VHSL One Act Competition.



Microsoft Office
Creative Writing
Office Administration
Team Leadership
Social Media
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Premiere
Adobe After Effects
Final Cut Pro
DSLR Camera Use
Rode Microphone Use

Work Experience

Judge/Story Analyst

NYC Midnight
March 2021 - Present

Currently works as a reader and judge for the NYC Midnight competition. I read mainly entries in the political satire genre and provide feedback, as well as a rating.

Teaching Assistant

American University
January 2022 - Present

Works as a teaching assistant for a freshman writing composition course.

Comedy Intern

KO Comedy
September 2020 - Present

Currently works at KO Comedy with comedian and Netflix host, Sammy Obeid, on comedy writing, virtual stand-up administration, memoir writing, pilot development, and other general administrative tasks

Screenwriting Intern

Chitra Elizabeth Productions
May 2019 - Present

Currently works with a screenwriter (Chitra Sampath) to develop possible dramatic television projects in development stages, put together detailed research packets, and read books for possible adaptations. Helped sell pilots to Netflix, Amazon, and FX.

Tap Dance Teacher
College of William & Mary (Rhythm & Tap Dance Club)
August 2017 - March 2020

Currently teaches the beginner tap dance group by developing curriculum and creating original choreography


College of William & Mary
August 2018 - June 2020

Worked as a proctor for the Christopher Wren Building, focusing on managing the building, managing special events, handling important artifacts, answering questions from guests, and answering phones.

Non-Fiction Editor

Folio Literary Magazine
August 2021 - Present

Serves as the non-fiction editor of Folio magazine at American University. I review and edit submissions, as well as run a full staff.

Freelance Writer
May 2020 - Present

Currently works as a freelance writer with published works in several publications, including Slate, Slackjaw, and Humor Darling. I currently work as a regularly contracted freelance quiz maker and TV reviewer at Zimbio.

Marketing Intern

Mascot Books
May 2019 - August 2019

Worked in the marketing department, creating press releases and research lists by researching local bookstores, bloggers, reviewers, and media sources, copy editing, working on web copy writing, and working on social media and advertising materials.
Worked in other areas, like bookkeeping by working with mailing and distribution, and administrative tasks by running the reception desk, managing phones, signing off packages, and dealing with in-person author relations.

Summer Creative Writing Intern
Writopia Lab
June 2017 - August 2017

Taught children aged eight – fourteen years old on how to create short stories, poetry, and plays; lead instruction on how to create graphic novels, as well as built curriculum for this program; completed administrative tasks, like organizing the work space, taking phone calls, and managing important forms and logs; worked on marketing strategies and engaged with members of the community to discuss the organization; and edited already completed work to prepare it for publication in the non-profit organization’s two literary magazines


Dog Street Journal, Layout Team

Currently designs spreads for Dog Street Journal's monthly newsmagazine, using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. Writes for the magazine, adding investigative news stories, interview pieces, and viral quizzes. Runs main website design, using Wix.



Winged Nation Magazine, Designer Editor

Currently designs spreads for a literary magazine, using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. Also works on selecting art and literary pieces for publication.



Spotswood Society, Tour Guide

Currently works as a tour guide by providing historic tours of the Christopher Wren Building on campus to tourists, members of the faculty, alumni and students. Runs the Spotswood Society Instagram, causing the social media page to increase by 300 followers with successful social media campaigns. Took a leadership position and led the group to 'digital tours' amid the coronavirus.


Morton 3rd Floor, Creative Director

Created a film production group, titled Morton 3rd Floor Productions, that specializes in short films. Participates every year in William & Mary's 24 Speed Competition, as well as producing content with WMTV and independently. Utilizes equipment like DSLR cameras, Rode microphones, and Adobe Photoshop and Premiere (2018-present)


Opus Literary Magazine, Editor-in-Chief, Submissions Editor

Worked on editing and designing submissions for a national winning publication (2013-2016)

Ramble On, Editor-in-Chief

Runs William & Mary Television's art and culture magazine by serving as the Editor-in-Chief, collects pieces from writers, edits pieces, designs magazine through Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop, and uses social media to reach a wide audience. (2019-2020)


Jump! Literary Magazine, Design Editor

Worked on selecting and editing submissions, as well as used Adobe Photoshop and InDesign to design the publication (2016-2019)


William & Mary Television, Assistant Station Manager, Social Media ChairWriter, Creator, Actor, Producer, Director, Editor

Currently working on original TV shows, “The Unofficial Board of Visitors" and "The C Word." Edits using Adobe Premiere, After Effects and Photoshop. Runs the WMTV Instagram account, causing the social media page to increase by 200 followers with successful social media campaigns. Led an alliance between WMTV and the W&M Theatre department on new content. Attends media council meetings to decide the allocation of funds towards all W&M publications. (2016-2020)


Rhythm & Taps Dance Club, Teacher, Secretary, Treasurer, Dancer

Attends advanced tap dance classes, while also teaching a beginner tap class to a group of freshmen students. (2016-2020)


William & Mary Theatre Department, Actor

Acts in numerous productions within the theatre department (2017-2019)


Wizards & Muggles

Participates in discussions about Harry Potter (2016-2020)


2020 Literary Awards Third Place Howard Scammon Drama Prize

Awarded third place in the 2020 William & Mary Literary Awards in the Drama/Screenwriting category for a comedic pilot, titled "Baddies." Was featured in the awards booklet. (2020)


Phi Beta Kappa

Elected membership into the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Alpha Chapter of Virginia at William & Mary (2020)


2020 Premiere Playwriting Second Place Award

Declared the second place winner at William & Mary for a play, titled "Live from a Concept of Home." (2020)


2019 Premiere Playwriting Second Place Award and Special Jury Prize

Declared the second place winner at the College of William & Mary for a play, titled "Defining Moments." Work was performed at Kimball Theater in Williamsburg. "Defining Moments" was also the only finalist play to be awarded a special jury prize for innovative writing (2019)


English Honors

Competed and was accepted into the English Honors program, to complete an Honors thesis in the English Creative Writing department as a novel, titled "Tell Me What You Really Think" (2018-present)


2018 Literary Awards Third Place Howard Scammon Drama Prize

Awarded the third place Howard Scammon Drama Prize from the 2018 William & Mary Literary Awards for a play, titled "Self-Reliance." Was featured in the Awards booklet. (2018)


Dean's List

Accepted into the Dean’s List for having a GPA of 3.6 or above (2017-present)


English Department Award

Picked out of the graduating senior class at Oakton High School to receive this award for completing a full-length novel and a personal TV series (2016)


Virginia High School League

Awarded second place in VHSL’s creative writing portfolio competition in the essay category (2016)


Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Won six honorable mentions in the short story and dramatic script categories, two gold keys in the critical essay and dramatic script categories, and one national silver medal in the critical essay category (2013-2016)



2020 Literary Awards Third Place Tiberius Gracchus Jones Prize

Awarded third place in the 2020 William & Mary Literary Awards in the Nonfiction category for an essay, titled "Materials." Was featured in the awards booklet. (2020)


"Best Use of Dialogue" Award at the 24 Speed Film Competition

Won the "Best Use of Dialogue" award for a film, titled 18th Annual Adventure. Adhering to the rules of William & Mary's 24 Speed Film Competition, the film was written, filmed, and edited (Adobe Premiere) in 24 hours before being screened at Kimball Theater in Williamsburg.



"Best Interpretation of Genre" Award at the 24 Speed Film Competition

Won the "Best Interpretation of Genre" award for a film, titled Days of Our Tribe. Adhering to the rules of the College of William & Mary's 24 Speed Film Competition, the film was written, filmed, and edited (Adobe Premiere) in 24 hours before being screened at Kimball Theater in Williamsburg.



2019 Literary Awards Second Place Howard Scammon Drama Prize

Awarded second place in the 2019 William & Mary Literary Awards in the Drama/Screenwriting category for a screenplay, titled "Optics." Was featured in the awards booklet. (2019)


Lillian Vernon Writers House Reading

Was given the opportunity to read an excerpt of a short story, "Mixed" in the famed Lillian Vernon Writers House in the Greenwich Village New York University campus, upon being accepted and completing the NYU: Writers in New York: Fiction program with writers Helen Schulman and Elissa Schappell (2013-2016)



Won 2nd place in the National Scholastic Press Association’s Design of the Year competition and a Certificate of Merit in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s Design Portfolio category for work done in Oakton High School’s literary magazine, Opus (2015-2016)


Honor Societies

Received membership into the Glenn Cunningham Chapter of the National Honor Society (2014) and the Quill and Scroll Honorary Society (2015)



Coronavirus Diaries: Worst Senior Year Ever!

Pitched a story to Slate about my experience as a college senior whose school was closed down amid the coronavirus. I got to work with writer, Shannon Palus, throughout the experience.


Dog Street Journal

Published in Dog Street Journal, William & Mary's newsmagazine. Supplied investigative news pieces, opinion pieces, interview pieces, and viral quizzes. One quiz, "What W&M Themed Halloween Costume Should You Be?" went viral among the student body, faculty, and staff.


"The Polite Poltergeist"

Wrote a spooky story that was featured in the Fall 2018 edition of Stinkwaves Magazine, a literary magazine aimed towards young readers


Virginia Gazette

Contributed to Amelia Heymann's article, “Berkeley High School's last segregated class to celebrate 50-year reunion” in the Virginia Gazette with original research performed on the topic of segregation and integration in Williamsburg, Virginia. 


From Your Friendly Neighborhood Feminist

Wrote an editorial on feminism in comic books that was published in both Writopia Lab’s feminist chapbook and Women’s eNews 

Ramble On

Contributes pieces to William & Mary's arts and culture magazine, Ramble On. Writes comedic news pieces, opinion pieces, TV, movie, and music reviews, and reenacts art pieces around campus. The December issue achieved a significant amount of buzz because it caught the attention of The Guy Who Sings About Cities and Towns


"The Mass Production of Flames"

Published a fictionalized short story about the horrors of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire of 1911 with Blue Marble Review


Howard Scammon Drama Prize

Awarded the third place Howard Scammon Drama Prize from the 2018 William & Mary Literary Awards for a play, titled "Self-Reliance." and was published in the winners book. Was awarded the second place prize in 2019 for "Optics" and was published in the winners book


Opus Literary Magazine

Received publication in Oakton High School’s literary magazine, Opus, for a poem, play, editorial, and original artwork (2014-2016)


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