For Dog Street Journal's February issue, I wrote and designed a quiz on what W&M dog you are. Take the quiz here.
Okay, let’s be honest. You kinda blew it. From the anger in their eyes, the furrow in their brows, their lips saying plainly “I hate you,” it’s clear you need to pick a gift that rocks. Lucky for you, the Dog Street Journal has got your back. This quiz is sure to help you find the perfect gift that will wow your significant other back into being seen with you at all the hottest W&M locales, like Sadler or the Caf.
1. What’s your go-to Valentine’s Day meal?
A. Filet mignon
B. Buffet
C. Protein bar fondue
D. A box of chocolates
E. A Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme
2. What did you do over break?
A. Job applications
B. Hung out with friends from high school
C. Yoga
D. Wrote a podcast
E. Just stood for hours at Confusion Corner, acting like I was about to walk across, but never taking an actual step. The mayhem that ensued was addicting.
3. Pick a pick-up line:
A. Are you the Wren Building? Because our love story will go down in history
B. Are you a frat party? Because your presence is intoxicating
C. Are you weight training at the Rec? Because I believe in love at first set
D. Are you a book from Swem? Because I’m checkin’ you out
E. Are you a business major? Because I want to marry rich
4. If you were to pick an expensive V-Day gift for yourself, what would you pick?
A. Money for textbooks
B. Air pods
C. Apple watch
D. Patton Oswalt’s email address
E. A feeling of contentment
5. What movie did you think would win Best Picture at the Oscars?
A. Little Women
B. Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood
C. Joker
D. Parasite
E. Howard the Duck (1986)—I will not sleep until it is given the praise it deserves
6. What’s your dream date?
A. A trip to a museum
B. A day at Disney World
C. Partner yoga
D. Seeing a comedy show
E. They steal me the Declaration of Independence to pledge their allegiance
7. What’s your go-to Valentine’s Day movie to watch?
A. Romeo & Juliet
B. The Notebook
C. 13 Going on 30
D. Sleepless in Seattle
E. Die Hard
If you got mostly A’s:
Get your loved one some stationary!
It’s the start of the semester, so it’s the perfect time to get your significant other some fancy school supplies: a pack of highlighters with a see-through tip, a decorated planner, felt tip pens, the works. All available at the W&M Bookstore! Let them live out this semester in the height of luxury.
If you got mostly B’s:
Get your S.O. a Cheese Shop gift card!
Sure, you missed Valentine’s Day, but it’s a lot easier for them to drown their sorrows in the Cheese Shop’s house dressing. It won’t fix all your problems, but it will definitely help.
If you got mostly C’s:
Get your human some W&M merch!
If you’re bougie, go to the bookstore, but there are some great deals at the Campus Shop. I’m sure there are still Christmas ornaments you can get on sale. Make sure to stock up on all the Tribe gear to prove that King William and Queen Mary will always be the #1 people in your life, but you’re willing to make room.
If you got mostly D’s:
Pick up your significant other a good ol’ cup and ball game from a CW shop!
This popular game from the 18th century will distract your S.O. with getting a little ball on a string into a wooden cup so that they can’t even be mad at you! Fun for all ages! If it was good enough for Felicity Merriman, it should be good enough for your loved one!
If you got mostly E’s:
Gift your loved one a jar containing the spirit of Lord Botetourt!
Lord Botetourt was the Royal Governor of Virginia from 1768 to 1770 and a member of the College’s Board of Visitors, and he’s just what you need to spice up your love life! Nothing spells love quite like history and paranormal activity on this special romantic holiday! For an extra fee, once Lord Botetourt’s spirit is released, he can say an opening line pre-written by us, the DSJ staff! Options include “Hey. I’ll be your boo” or “You into older guys?”