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Tell Me What You Really Think Research
I was accepted into the honors program in English in 2018, and I have been working on my creative writing thesis ever since. A summary...
Historical Biases in the American Girl Historic Dolls and the BeForever Collection
In an American Studies Junior Seminar, I performed original research on the American Girl series. For this assignment, I looked at...
Meet Sheryl
The final promo of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this clip, I serve as the sole...
I Have a Bad Feeling About This
The fifth episode of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this first episode, I serve as...
Meet ???
A promo of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this clip, I serve as the sole writer,...
Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead
The fourth episode of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this first episode, I serve...
Meet Violet
A promo of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this clip, I serve as the sole writer,...
Do Ya Punk?
The third episode of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this first episode, I serve as...
Meet Trudy
A promo of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this clip, I serve as the sole writer,...
Autobots Roll Out
The second episode of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this first episode, I serve...
Meet Morgan
A promo of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this clip, I serve as the sole writer,...
I Have a Very Particular Set of Skills
The first episode of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this first episode, I serve as...
Meet Gillian
The first promo of a web series that I am writing and producing for William & Mary's Television club. In this first clip, I serve as the...
After 324 Years, a Memorial to William & Mary's Enslaved
Was interviewed for Christina McBride's piece in RVA Magazine on William & Mary's involvement in slavery (2018). "After more than 10...
D.U.M.B. An Underdawg Journey (Excerpt)
Currently being filmed and produced for the Nine Lives Film festival. I am responsible for writing, producing, directing, casting,...
The Polite Poltergeist
Provided an original short story for Stinkwaves Magazine, a magazine geared towards young readers. My writing was included in their Fall...
Mixed (Excerpt)
Read this excerpt of a short story at a student reading at the NYU Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House after I was accepted into the...
Berkeley High School's last segregated class to celebrate 50-year reunion
Provided original research for an article on integration in the Williamsburg, VA community. (2018). When the members of Berkeley High...
Virgil's Declassified Hell Survival Guide
A video that my team put together for William & Mary Library's 24 Speed Filmmaking Competition. In this project, I served as the writer,...
Exploring the Underrepresentation of Teachers of Color in the Williamsburg-James City County School
For the Williamsburg Documentary course in the American Studies department, I performed original research to aid The Village in their...
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